Welcome to my stop on the When Camels Fly Tour.

Category: Contemporary suspense, thread of Romance
Available in: Print & ebook, 370 Pages
My Review
OK, time to be honest - I haven't finished the book, I'm only half way through it, but as happens occasionally, life has got in the way. I will however review what I have read so far.
Taking place in the Middle East, When Camels Fly follows the hair raising adventures of mother and daughter Grace and Maggie as they uncover a plot to steal one of the regions most valuable commodities - water. It's fast pace has you moving through the story with surprising speed as you jump from Grace and Maggie's story, to that of the conspirators and Mark and Jeff (Grace's husband and son) as they in turn try to stop the girls or rescue them. And that's where I run into trouble. I want to really like this book, but I actually am finding it fairly confusing. I can see a really great story in there - one that is funny and entertaining - but I am finding it frustrating at the moment. There are secrets hinted at, but not expanded on, secret lives lived and stories untold, but so little revealed you are left uncertain as to the validity or truthfulness or importance of them. I understand the need to keep the reader in some level of suspense, but as the story goes, no extra information is revealed and I just feel like the author is holding out on me. The connections between the different aspects of the story are jerky and often come at a time when I'm just starting to settle into the current story. This unfortunately adds to the confusion and frustration I feel as a reader.
Hopefully as I read, all of these frustrations will iron out and the story I know is there will emerge. I will persevere and would encourage anyone who likes the premise of the story to give it a go - remember my view is only one.