From Goodreads:'Be a MAN in the City Watch! The City Watch needs MEN!'But what it's got
includes Corporal Carrot (technically a dwarf), Lance-constable Cuddy
(really a dwarf), Lance constable Detritus (a troll), Lance constable
Angua (a woman... most of the time) and Corporal Nobbs (disqualified
from the human race for shoving).
And they need all the help they can get. Because they've only got twenty-four hours to clean up the town and this is Ankh-Morpork we're talking about...
Thoughts: Ah Pratchett, when all else fails, there is Pratchett. I have finally started to drift into the territory of Pratchett's I haven't read before - don't ask me why I stop reading an author I so obviously love - I just did. Men at Arms focuses on the Night Watch, as they become a more professional outfit - going for a bit of representation of minority groups and actually attempting to solve crimes. However, there are people (including that Patrician and the head of most of the Guilds) who aren't so sure about these new fangled ideas. Once again though, good wins over evil (sort of) and everyone lives happily ever after (until the next time).
Challenges: Ebook Challenge