
20 September, 2011

A Small Free Kiss in the Dark

Title: A Small Free Kiss in the Dark
Author: Glenda Millard
Genre: Fiction
Audience: Young Adult
Format: Book – Library

Synopsis:Skip leaves an unbearable situation to live on the streets, It's not ideal, but it's better once he meets Billy, a veteran of living rough. But the bombing of the city finds Skip and Billy caring for Max. A little later they are joined by Tia and her baby - Sixpence. Can this group of misfits and outcasts stay together and survive this war? 

What I thought: This is the second last of the 2010 Children's Book Council Young Adult shortlisted books. In fact it was an Honour Book. I started reading it with having absolutely no idea what it was about - I didn't even read the blurb! The war angle therefore, came as a surprise to me! In the end, something didn't gel for me. I enjoyed it, but wasn't desperate to read it. My feelings about it are very neutral. I was happy to read it, but don't think I would have missed it if I hadn't.

Recommended for: those interested in Australian YA fiction.

Challenges: 100+ Challenge,  For the love of YA Challenge, Aussie YA Challenge