
21 September, 2011

Angel in the Rubble

Title: Angel in the Rubble
Author: Genelle Guzman-McMillan
Genre: Non fiction
Audience: Adult
Format: Book – Personal copy

Synopsis: Genelle Guzman-McMillan was the last survivor to be pulled out of the rubble of the twin towers. She survived 27 hours trapped after the second tower collapsed while she in the stairwell of the thirteenth floor. This is her story of survival.

What I thought:  heard Genelle speaking on the radio on a Monday while in the car and immediately went and bought the book. I read it the same day. Her story is compelling and amazing. I am not a religious person, but I believe in God or some higher power. Not surprisingly, during her 27 hour ordeal, Genelle rediscovered a faith she not so much lost, but forgotten. The truly inspiring part of this story however, is how she maintained and built on her personal belief and relationship with God. She has not got out and then forgotten all the things she promised if He would save her. Towards the end of her ordeal, Genelle reached up through a small hole and felt someone grab her hand. He told her his name was Paul and they were coming to get her. In the radio interview when she related that, I teared up. "How amazing," I thought "to have that person find you." Paul left and let the rescuers get Genelle out. As she recovered, she tried to find Paul. After all, he had stayed with her, told her the rescuers were getting closer. But she could never find him - there was no Paul in that area that day. The men who pulled her from the rubble didn't see anyone else. At that point in the story, shivers ran down my spine. As she said, whether he was real or not, man or not, he will forever be her angel.

Recommended for: people who like a story of adversity - especially with a religious angle.

Challenges: 100+ Challenge, TwentyEleven Challenge,