
30 June, 2011

Where She Went

Author: Gayle Forman
Genre: Fiction 
Series: If I Stay: Book 2
Audience: Young Adult 
Format: Book - Library

Synopsis: It’s five years since Mia made the choice to stay and woke from her coma. In choosing to stay, she chose to leave her parents and younger brother, killed in the car crash that injured her. Much has changed in five years. For a start, Mia and Adam are no longer together. Mia is on the verge of classical stardom with her cello. Adam and his band Shooting Star have made it big, but without Mia, Adam is struggling. A chance meeting between the two in New York, 24 hours before the each leave on separate tours, gives them the chance to reconnect and sort out what happened. But is there anything left to salvage or is the damage that was done five years ago to big to repair?

What I thought: The first thing that struck me about this is how much more polished Where She Went is than If I Stay. Told from Adam’s point of view, it was easy to see the development in Forman’s writing . Where She Went is tighter, the characters clearer, the flow smoother. I loved the change of view to Adam, showing you didn’t have to be directly involved in an accident to be hurt by it. Forman kept you guessing as to what the outcome would be. Mia and Adam's re-meeting was not easy, the path was not clear and the reader is not sure if there will be a happy ever after ending. All in all I found Where She Went well crafted and incredibly enjoyable. I look forward to more of Forman’s writing.

Recommended for: those who enjoyed If I Stay and want to know what happened next!