
29 June, 2011

Six Impossible Things

Author: Fiona Wood
Genre: Fiction 
Audience: Young Adult 
Format: Book - Library

Synopsis: Dan Cerrill’s (pronounced surreal NOT cereal!) life has been turned upside down. His family’s business has gone under, he has had to move out of his large, comfortable home to a run down house, his dad has left after announcing he is gay, he has to start a new school and he is in love with the girl next door. Six Impossible Things follows Dan as he tries to deal with all of this and his mother’s failing wedding cake business.

What I thought
This is the final Children’s Book Council Awards, Older Readers Shortlisted 2011 book that I needed to read. The reviews for the other 5 shortlisted books can be found here.
This was a lovely book. Dan deals with the multitude of issues in his life with aplomb! There is no hysteria, over reaction, overly dramatic events. Everything is believable . I really like Dan and was hoping for the best for him at every turn. In the end, a lovely book I totally enjoyed.

Recommended for: those who like a nice coming of age story.