
15 May, 2014

Three, no Four Week Library Challenge

Earlier in the week I posted this picture on Instagram and Facebook.

Then my friend Car, from Carrose Creations asked how many I could read in three weeks. That sounded like a challenge to me so I said let's find out!

Now to be fair, some of these books were already on their way back to the library, but it has still left a substantial pile of books, CD's and magazines to get through. So here's the challenge - get through as many of these items as possible in the next 3 weeks. Actually, lets make it a little longer - the latest due date on any of these items is June 11, so that will be my deadline - just under four weeks.

Just so we are clear on what's in the pile, I will list them. Some of the books aren't so much "reading" books, but looking through and pulling out the the stuff I like books, like the recipe books. To count towards my total, I must use the book to the purpose I intended. For example, the recipe books were borrowed to get inspiration from - go through and pull out the recipes I like. The DVD's need to be watched and the magazines finished with. So, here's my list. (By the way, I'm too lazy to link all of the books to their Goodreads profiles, or the DVD's to their IMDB profile. If you want to know more about a particular item, I suggest you go to one of those websites and search for it!)

The Monthly - Issue 99
The Monthly - Issue 100

Dexter - Season 7 - Disc 3-4
Dexter - Season 8 - Disc 1-2
Dexter - Season 8 - Disc 3-4
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
My Place Volume 1

Non Fiction
Save with Jamie - Jamie Oliver
Band-aid for a Broken Leg: being a doctor with no borders and other ways to stay single - Damien Brown
Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother - Amy Chua
Ugly: my memoir - Robert Hoge
Fast Ed's Dinner in 10 - Ed Halmagyi
Blood Ties - John Suter Linton
The 17 Day Diet Cookbook - Mike Moreno
Dangerous Allies - Malcolm Fraser
Lazy Loser - Marie Bean

Past the Shallows - Favel Parret
Six Impossible Things - Fiona Wood
The Eyre Affair - Jasper Fforde
Hawkes Harbor - SE Hinton
The Cold, Cold Ground - Adrian McKinty
The Sky So Heavy - Claire Zorn
The Incredible Here and Now - Felicity Castagna
The First Third - Will Kostakis

By my count that is 22 items. Let the challenge begin!