
08 August, 2011

Half of a Yellow Sun

Title: Half of a Yellow Sun

Author: Chimamandra Ngozi Adichie
Genre: Fiction
Audience: Adult
Format: Kindle

Synopsis: Half of a Yellow Sun follows a group of characters ‎through the rise and fall of Biafra in Nigeria during the 1960’s. ‎From Ugwu, the loyal house boy to Odengibo the revolutionary, ‎Richard the white British expatriate who considers himself ‎Biafran and his lover, the fiery, pragmatic Kainene, Adichie’s ‎characters take the reader through this little known time in ‎Nigerian history.‎

What I thought: I never even knew that part of Nigeria seceded ‎to form a new state in the 60’s! A very interesting fact, especially ‎considering the following refugee and humanitarian needs crisis ‎that followed led to the formation of Doctors without Borders. ‎This is our book group book for July and I think it will provoke a ‎lot of discussion. It is beautifully written and the imagery ‎stunning. Adichie involves her reader with her characters lives. ‎The overwhelming disappointment I felt in Ugwu at one stage ‎was devastating, almost like my own nephew or close friend had ‎let me down. I can see this being made into a very powerful, ‎emotional movie.I would be very interested to read other Adicihie ‎works.‎

Recommended for: those who want to know about life outside ‎of their own little comfort zone.‎

Challenges: 100+ Challenge, E-Book challenge