
17 August, 2011

The End of the Alphabet

Title: The End of the Alphabet
Author: CS Richardson
Genre: Fiction
Audience: Adult
Format: Book – Library

Synopsis: When Abrose Zephyr has a check up at 50, he is told he has a mere month to live. So he gathers his wife and a list and heads off to visit a variety of places in alphabetically order. But is this what they really need to be doing?

What I thought: This came from a recommendations from Jules at Jules' Book Reviews - way back in January 2010! Obviously you can't rush me!
This is a nice quick read- I managed it in a lunch hour plus a bit before bed. It has a lovely lyrical quality and the writing flows beautifully. The vagueness of what disease Abrose has makes sure the reader focus' on the journey, not the destination. It's full of lovely little symbols (like Ambrose's intials - A-Z) and has hidden depths. Well recommended

Recommended for: people after a good, intelligent, quick read.

Challenges: 100+ Challenge, TwentyEleven Challenge, A-Z Challenge