
08 August, 2011

The Devil Latch

Title: The Devil Latch
Author: Sonya Hartnett
Genre: Fiction
Audience: Young Adult
Format: Book - Library

Synopsis: Kitten Latch is different and he knows it. He now has control over his ailing grandfather and it’s his job to exact revenge. But then Amy moves in next door and suddenly he is not so sure he is meant to be alone any more. How far will he go to make sure Amy is his and his alone?‎

What I thought: Sleeping Dogs was, for me, the first book where Hartnett started to excel. Her earlier books hinted at the ability that was there, but never really quite hit the mark. After Sleeping Dogs, came Devil Latch and it was a fantastic follow up. Although I have read much of Hartnett’s work, I’d never read The Devil Latch before. I’m so glad that I have now. To start you are not sure if the book is a gothic horror or a supernatural type book. I started off thinking that maybe Hartnett was way ahead of her time (it was published in 1996) with the vampire thing. But in the end, you realise it’s something completely different. The book shows how easy it can be to be drawn into someone else’s fantasy and the dangers of doing so. Next up by Hartnett, Black Fox!

Recommended for: Hartnett fans and those who like quality young adults literature.

Challenges: 100+ Challenge, For the love of YA Challenge, Aussie YA Challenge